Safeguard life’s most treasured moments. is a platform for you to preserve your best moments through future messages to family, friends, and anyone else.

A safe space for your most profound messages

What do you want to leave behind, no matter what?

With, your grandkids will get your secret recipes. Your first boss will learn how she inspired you. Your fiancé will have the closure to move on. Make sure your love lives on tomorrow, no matter what happens today.

Create Message

The words that will protect, remind, and inspire

Choose Recipient

The people who will receive your special words

Assign Trustees

The people who will unlock your words when it’s time

The power to leave your own mark

How do you want to be remembered?

Pass on the important lessons you learned. Share your most valued morals and beliefs. Just sign in and type to create these messages on With our upcoming ability to translate speech to text, all you’ll need to do is talk, and our platform will convert your voice directly into words.

Create Your Legacy, Safeguard Your Memories

Start Creating Today

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